Thursday 12 November 2020


Life mostly feels short, doesn't it? With time always choosing to bend paths and break necks, flowing like an unruly river with nothing to lose. Peaceful years are never as luxuriously long as they ought to be, and fun evenings always seem to end quicker than one would like. 
And yet one thing I've come to learn over the years has been how despite my previous hyperbole, our life is, in fact, the longest thing we will ever own. This time that we've been given down on this planet will be the longest, most thorough experience we shall ever have. This is the biggest platform, the most prime opportunity to leave our mark. The legacy you leave behind will not be the money that your bank account housed, it won't be the size of the diamonds on your dead fingers, and it certainly won't be how pretty you looked and how many followers you had on social media. 
Kindness, courage, empathy and a dedication to leave this earth in a better shape than how you inherited it- that's the kind of legacy worth leaving your grandchildren.
It's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's not how many summers you've seen and how many winters you've survived. How many people smile with warmth and comfort when they hear your name- that to me defines how purposeful your life has been.

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