Wednesday 13 November 2019

To Your Lover, Whoever He May Be

Life is very often murky
With curves and lines
That confuse or divide;
There is quite often
Raging in some land,
Or in some homes,
Or at least in several hearts.
There is quite often
Drenching blue skies
And washing away 
A happy flush from a young face. 
Life is often unfair
Handing out problems to you
Like an unforgiving mistress.
So if you find a lover
Who gives you a kiss
To welcome a new morn,
Who rubs your shoulders
When the cold winds strike,
And who smiles the widest
When you win 
Hold him by the hand
And carry him to eternity
Because we don't know 
About afterlives,
But we do know of today. 
And love is the language
That happiness speaks.