Saturday 6 April 2019


Ripples make their way
To each unforgiving stretchmark
On my thighs, my belly,
And I splash my arms about
In protective denial.
A peacock swoons
Over another golden sunset,
That blesses the Thar.
The peahen stands
In the shadows-
Evading admiration or awe-
Quiet spectator to the sun's exit.
The ginger ale grows heavy
On my tongue as I stare-
You are so oblivious
To the charm you exude
When your skin is wet
And eyes unfocused.
I know you aren't thinking
I know thoughts pass like clouds,
But you do wonder
If we shall stay the same
As the years go by,
As the children grow older,
As the memories gain weight-
Shall we still be
Two drops of rosewater
United as one
To rest on a happy petal?
Shall we still be such
That when you dream,
I sprout wings and soar?
Yes we shall, I think.

My darling, we shall.

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